Monday, September 22, 2008
Kitefliers to hold convention
I'm on my way - arriving Spet 22. Looking forward to a great week.
Friday, June 27, 2008
2008 kites built
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Kitebuilder News ~ June 2008
Or should I say Heads Down? Take a look at all the soon to end offers on the kitebuilders’ auction block. Todd Little, AKA Region Two Director, posted several items as a special auction to benefit the AKA 2008 Gettysburg, PA convention. Proceeds from this auction will go toward the Early bird Reception on opening night of the 2008 convention. Deltas, Boxes, Figures, Stunters, and Tails… great items for a great cause. Check ‘em out, bid 'em up...not much time remains.
Speaking of the upcoming convention, tonight I conclude the writing of the Kitemakers' Competition article and schedule for the convention program. I can hardly believe I am working on something that will take place in September. I’m not very good at planning ahead – usually working at least a week behind. Anyway, the convention runs Sept 22-27, 2008 and I’ll be organizing the Comprehensive Kitemakers Competition again this year. This will be my 15th convention and I always look forward to next one... never disappointed. I encourage you to consider attending - you WILL have a good time. Find more information on the AKA website here:
I realize many of you have been experiencing delays in receiving certain sizes of graphite (and fiberglass) tube (and rod). We are working with our vendor to get the quantities to you as soon as possible. There are demands on the manufacturer in MANY directions and they are trying to get back to normal inventory levels. They’ve asked me to extend apologies for all delays. If one size has been holding up your kite project, give me a call or email and I’ll try to suggest an alternative. I want to see your kites in the air as much as you do!
Are you a chocolate lover? If so, you'll love the current promotion. Chocolate colored flying line. 3000 feet of 200 pound line for fifteen bucks… where can you find a better deal than that? Other weights and lengths are also available. Check ‘em out here:
If you would like to discover additional kite festivals and building retreats, be sure to check our website link below. Forum members are posting events all over the world.
So that’s about all for now - I told you it was going to be short. Go back outside and enjoy your Summer!
--Steve Ferrel
phone: 610-395-3560
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Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Go fly a kite with homemade design...
Go fly a kite with homemade design Tacoma, WA
Yinchuan Kite Festival
CCTV International
Hundreds of kites of all different shapes and sizes swarm the sky above Yinchuan. Here, in the capital of Northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, kite enthusiasts from far and wide gather for the 2008 Yinchuan International Kite Invitational.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Kitebuilder News
I know super Sunday, super Tuesday and super Saturday is on everyone’s mind these days, but I’m asking all kitebuilders to escape politics for a few moments and browse the super kites that have been nominated for’s forum Kite of the Year. You can find them here:
KiteBuilder of the Year is also up for grabs and eight members have been nominated. Check them out here:
If you are a forum member, I ask you to take two additional steps to vote which kite should be named Kite of the Year and which builder should be crowed Kitebuilder of the year. All votes must be received by February 18, 2007. I’ll admit they are difficult decisions, however important. If you would like to review past winners, check the “honor rolls” in this thread:
If you are not a member of the forum, consider joining. Membership is free and will give you access and search rights to all discussions. Registration is easy and fast:
Valentines Day sales are now in effect through February 29 (or until supplies last). Save up to 60% on select items:
- Red, White, Pink, and Raspberry ripstop in .50, .65, .75, and 1.5 ounce styles as low as $2.00/yard.
- Red & White 200 Denier banner cloth - 20% off!
- Pink flying and bridling line in 50#, 150# and 200# x 3,000 feet lengths, $15.00 each.
- View all sale items here:
New shirts, hats, stickers, and buttons available through our partner website, These make perfect gifts for your favorite kitebuilder. This month, get 5% off two or more shirts… and they don’t have to be identical! Buy two or more sheets of postage and get $2 off each sheet. View our collection here:*
Just a reminder, hosts a fully searchable, interactive "encyclopedia" created by, and existing for, the community. We archive kite plans and reference information with links all over the web. The cool think about the wiki is YOU can contribute. If you know something about what is written and want to add your two cents (or more), just hit the edit button. The only requirement is you must be logged into the forum while making your edits. Don’t worry about screwing things up, everything is automatically backed up and easily retrieved. Find more information here:
Another reminder about the kitebuilder auctions. Over the holidays, hundreds of dollars and many items were exchanged between kiters. I looked this morning and saw two beautifully tie dyed pieces of fabric listed with an expiration date in seven days. Take a look… if you are planning a new project, this cloth might be just what you need. I have plans to list a few items in the coming week as well.
I will be kicking off the 2008 kite flying season by attending the Smithsonian Kite Festival March 29 in Washington DC. When we get good weather, this is my favorite festival of the year. If you plan on attending, be sure to look for me… I’ll be one of the judges. Find more information here:
If you would like to discover additional kite festivals and building retreats, be sure to check our website link below. Forum members post events all over the world.
That’s about all for now… have a super February. Spring will be here soon.
Go build a kite!
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