Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Online Kitebuilding Class

Boxkites (aka Robert van Weers) will present kitebuilder.com's FIFTH online kitebuilding class beginning January 5, 2007. Robert is a very knowledgeable kitebuilder with over 20 years of kite making and flying experience. He has been a member of the kitebuilder.com forum since March 2004 and continues to be a very active participant. He will be presenting a six-week class on the construction and design of the "Achtkant" Train.

Achtkant is a Dutch word meaning, "eight sided;” which is a fitting term for this simple yet, majestic looking kite. A well-known Dutch kite builder, Harm van Veen, designed this kite in the early 1990’s and Robert is pleased to bring it back into the limelight by giving it a small but awesome twist. If you've participated in previous forum projects, you'll know why you won’t want to miss this one. If this will be your first project, I promise you will learn a few things along the way AND as a bonus, end up with a really cool kite. Every forum member can read and follow the class project, but if you want to participate in the question and answer portion of the class, you must register by January 3, 2007. Review the class forum for more information.