Medical students to doctors before we reach the South Pole
By (Robert Conway)
I am a bearer of bad news. Extreme South, the planned expedition to the South Pole in 2006 by Toby Williams and myself, has been postponed. We have decided that rather than compromise our planned route, we will wait until 2009 when we will attempt a new and ground-breaking journey to the South Pole and beyond.
By (Robert Conway)
I am a bearer of bad news. Extreme South, the planned expedition to the South Pole in 2006 by Toby Williams and myself, has been postponed. We have decided that rather than compromise our planned route, we will wait until 2009 when we will attempt a new and ground-breaking journey to the South Pole and beyond.
Kite power in action on the ice. As you may know, we planned to follow the route to the pole taken by Captain Robert Falcon Scott and Dr Edward Wilson, an alumnus of St George's, where we too study. However, without the funding in place ...